Plans For Redondo Beach Waterfront Take Shape

Blog, Community News, South Redondo Beach News
CenterCal the developers inspiration for the impending redesign of the Redondo Beach waterfront pier and marina come from many sources, among them projects in Washington, Oregon and Utah. Elements of Pike’s Place Market in Seattle, the stylized outdoor marketplace of Bridgeport Village in Portland, Ore., and the grand water features at Station Park in Farmington, Utah. The companys vision for the waterfront includes a small boutique hotel by the shore as well as a small movie theater that would serve dinner. Not only is the waterfront due for renovations to plan for rising sea levels, but many buildings need refurbishment for quality purposes as well. The design, will be “open, inviting and green,” and efforts would be taken to keep the new layout from obstructing ocean views. The plans also will create more bike and pedestrian access to the waterfront. Because the community’s input is important to the developers, CenterCal has had multiple meetings over the course of the past year with groups of waterfront residents.